About Me

Welcome to my site! My name is Jon, I’m an IT professional who loves to enjoy life and help people! My usual hobbies include riding motorcycles through the mountains, obsessing over a motorized anything, sport shooting and living life to the fullest! I love to travel as it was something I never could dream of when I was younger and live life with no regrets.

I wanted a way to give back, to help people, to leave a mark on the world other than just living in it. I created this site to inspire as well as help people like you learn from my experiences, mistakes, trials and tribulations. I do this so anyone can become a better themselves whether in their career or life.

I grew up in adversity, poor, living with my grandparents and my father but my life was full of love and compassion. My entire family lived very humbly but they always taught me to live. I never went to college, graduated high-school with a 2.x GPA, left my house at 18 to fend for myself with only a car, everything was against me. I’m now in a point in my life where I can provide a very good future for my family and want to share how to replicate that success for anyone interested. You can do this, regardless of where you came from and it is possible, but the road isn’t easy.

Humanity is itself the most when we help, inspire, uplift, gift compassion and guide each other.

Jon – CareerCoachBlog.com 2020

About Career Coach Blog

This site is dedicated to providing you my insight to being able to grow your career exponentially and general life coaching. I want to help as many people achieve their dreams as possible and make the world a better place. By giving you the knowledge, insight and experience I’ve learned over the years, I wish to help you accelerate your dreams faster than you thought possible.

Feel free to reach out to me at coach@careercoachblog.com for thoughts, feedback, future topics to visit etc!